Monday, February 15, 2010

A Midsummer Night's Dream - Act 1, Scene 1

A Midsummer Night's Dream - Act 1, Scene 1
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

Happy Valentine's Day to all!!!!
Hmm ideas for my first hypertext.... well let's see...
I wanted to do an explanation / parody of the anime series Neon Genesis Evengelion...
Because this series is complicated i would like to make the site as well. for example: Shinji( the lead protagonist) as a complex that has him fall in love with every one who shows him a bit of love.
the audiacne would choose whom shinji would fall in love with...Asuka, Rei, Misato or Kaoru. based on who Shinji chooses as his love will result in the end of the world or redemption.

the hyper text will be as complicated as the series. Some hyperlinks will be hidden( those that are hidden will give a hints to the better desetion or more back ground info. of the characters.
Sometimes the audience will have 3 choices, sometimes none. i am trying to decide if the links will open up into a separate menu or not....
to be continued

Monday, February 8, 2010

the ultimate trinity

write about some of the pieces you have been reading in EL1 and list three possibilities for the review assignment.

I will re-post the assignment sheets as .rtfs. I think the problem was that they were word 2007 (docx).

The Diviant: Posession of Christian Shaw: what can i say WOW. after finally completing the piece( besides this feeling of pride) it left me stunned.......
i would recomment having a partner when "doing" this piece. besides being an excellent conversation starter. with your partner, you are able to find more than one hidden thing, and have someone there to talk-through the process with.

Inanimate Alice: By far this is my favorite piece of electronic literature. the plot is based on an 8 year old girl named Alice and her animated friend Brad. Brad acts at her conconce as well as her hidden courage. the plot is expressed through sound files and words( there are no spoken words through out the piece, but actions, such as snow falling/the sound of Alice's mom's car.) the music/sound effects leaves the audiance's heart racing to find out what happens next.

Red Ridding Hood:created by the same author as the diviant, red riding hood takes us on a journy t Interesting, but it always ends with the same conclution( the baby changes though.....) the verdict is still out on this work.... to be continued!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Trying to be Creative (Blog 2- the re-write)

The Internet: the final frontier. These are the class-notes of the starship Electronic Literature. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new websites, to seek out new literature and new references, to boldly go where no one has gone before. dan da da dan da da dan......

Captians Log, Star date 2211, we have just begun to read an Electronic poem entitled"Frequently Asked Questions about "Hypertext". Not only does the poem allow the reader to read the poem but also criticism from several well educated individuals as well as "Fandom".

All we can analyse is that the critics at first give meaning to the poem, answering the unanswerable question" what is it about??
well it could be broken up into several different meanings:
1. Transsexual menage toia between the antagonist and
2. Music, Art and Knowledge and repressed sexuality have been transformed into beer names and questions.
3. The stupidity of the BUSH administration.( that supports the original author's disappearance)
4.Sex machine, literally
5. Using Hypertext, we then have "the Post transsexual or Posttranny Rereading." unfortunity, this debate could not occur;the two critics most knowledgeable in these matters died/committed suicide/were murdered
the argument of HERHIM and HALF and explanations and theories of the murders

I thought this was truly hilarious!! i could'nt help but notice all the references to pop culture. how the critics try to discredit each other with below the belt(ha) reminds me of Neon Genesis Evangelion... How people from all walk of like spend hours and hours researching the manga and anime just to prove there ideas(which i may add are very far fetched in most cases.
Througout the reading i fould several quotes that had me rolling:

"all this technological intervention—the drug therapy, the cosmetic operations, the violent sex-reassignment surgery itself—is a hybrid woman-machine or seductive technosexual cyborg."

"otherwise-dickless alien appears to relieve himself in the bushes (thee pee there) with a steaming stream of vinegar; super slow motion shows the corrosive effects on the foliage. Household vinegar has a pH of 3.0 (three), versus normal human urine (4.6 to 8.0)."

"With black humor some noted that tech support was more successful in recovering their computer files than were the trauma doctors in reviving the critics."

the reading technique i used for this site was......clicking everything!! It may be cause by Twelve blue or Christian Shaw. but i constantly have a feeling that i may miss something..... I started by reading the poem...(raises one eyebrow)Clicked around, read something about a murder, but the quote of hyperlink g Hierarchical Electronic Recombinating Hypertext Interactive Matrix (HER/HIM), brought to you by yours truly at" made me wonder were did they come up with Euan Mcgreggor?

Richards and Allman.....It would be a little romantic if it were a double suicide(after all the reticule they had to suffer for their careers, they wanted to end it all together) and i can"t think of a reason that All-man(yet a woman) could possibly kill Richards.

English pedagogy and rhetoric is a must to desyfer all the opinions thrown at the reader simultaneously. Also, a slight reference to pop culture does help with deeper understanding. I would definitely read this on my own... Because it was a parody in which i
"got it" made me enjoy it just a wee bit more....

this poem reminds me of something a friend told me in high school(he had a few poems of his published. "My poem 'ode to steak" is about my love of steak, that's all"

Monday, February 1, 2010

How sweet it is to be understood(Blog 1, the rewrite)

How insanely confused i am. .... Twelve Blue

I tried to think of the electric text as a song, or musical notes. How does it sound aloud, what would make it understandable.
Got lost.......
Opened everything up at once
Got Really lost.......
Tried to read each page twice....
Still a bit lost......
The tangets/ off topic fascinating rants do not make sense out of order. I hope i will understand this reading soon :(

At first i read a few pages and found that the choices no longer existed. and like a dork. i thought back to the beginning. "follow me before the choices disappear, and began to highlight the page so i could see the hypertext again!!!
(of course others have thought of this before, but the feeling of pride still lingers)
I have become obsessed, I WILL FIND THE SHALLOW MEANING!!!!! or meanings!

Round 2

This was my view after reading 12 blue the first time( well several times over the course of a day or so) but after taking a break, and then going back, now...... i like it.

after reading Liegh's quote ""I need it long so I can get the flow I wish." a light switch turned on...... seriously.

12 blue is now for the results, but for the journey the reader embarks on.
every new discovery
every phase
is for the beat. the melody that should go thought the audiences' cranium. like a live Jazz performance. you know the atmosphere, that time, that sound and feeling can only happen once.and will never be repeated if you matter how hard a person may try, there is a slim chance that that orchestration will ever repeat itself. something will be different.
it is good to know that once the audiacne finishes 12 blue, unlike a traditional novel,they may return to 12 blue and get a completely different perspective of the main characters.
this time i tried not to cheat(so much) i found that all the stories that had endings (pardon my french) but SUCKED...

Also, like our memories, thing, people,places all can get mixed together.

p.s.maybe because i am from Florinda..... all the locations mentioned in the reading, during the month mentioned seem a bit cold/ blue to