Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Aid for the presentation :)

Author Discription: Dr. Donna Leishman, has recently completed her PhD in interactive storytelling at the Glasgow School of Art and is principal of 6amhoover. com. Her Masters in Design produced the darkly romantic Little Red Ridinghood in the year 2000.
Also, LRRH is seen as a work of Art, being showcases in several exhibitions over the years


Identification: Animation/Kinetic; Audio; Flash; JavaScript; Parody/Satire; Visual Poetry or Narrative; Women Authors


Characters: Red:Blonde Hair Brow eyebrows.... Wolf: Popye Forarms.

Stuctually challenging sequences i.e. Multiple browser windows at once, each browser window comtains it's own timeline, yet has a segnificate relationship to the parent window.( For in all)

Content:with out exploring the web, the "reader" will only get a modern re-telling of Little Red Ridinghood, but while exploring, i.e. the diary. AA pre-history of wanting radical change is discovered.


Monday, March 22, 2010

(Blog)11 Pipers Piping, 10 lords a leaping, 9 ladies Dancing......

I have changed everything!!
the title is "unknown" at the moment; i don't want to give away too much information. It is the story of a person longing to return (bleep). Here is the rough before the final draft:

Abstract: This is a short montage dedicated to love.Memories that are gained and moments lost forever. When looking back, some are hazy while others more vivid. It is a dream like sequence that was created to entice the audience to remember....... The piece takes about five minutes to play through. I ask you,what/who/ when do you believe the speaker referring to? There are three distinct ways to view this piece: face value, deeper and parody (it may need a little toughing up.:)

for this project I have Incorporated Windows movie maker and a bit of PowerPoint and a dash of hypertext. I have yet to decide which of the three elements shall be cut( it seems that all do not work in the same medium simultaneously. :(.
Keywords: Ambient,Kinetic, audio,Music, memoir, parody, hypertext. (Some may change)

As of today, the Electronic Lit. plays through( there is no need to click the screen as of yet.)
Screen 1: Unknown (for now)
Screen 2: Quote "He remembers those vanished years. As though looking through a dusty window pane, the past is something he could see, but not touch. And everything he sees is blurred and indistinct. "
Screen 3: Music swells(Brothers/Full Metal Alchemist (latin version))
Screen 4: Empty highway video (words)
Screen 5: Video of (bleep)
Screen 6: Series of photos(like memories)
Screen 7:Video of (bleep)
Screen 8: Video referring to memories
Screen 9: Roller coater like video
Screen 10:Video of open road
Screen 11:Screen to black
Screen 12: Credits
Screen 13: Video of billy singing the theme song

Monday, March 8, 2010

(Blog) 9 looking so fine ;)!

As of right now, my ideas are all over the place, I had an idea to have a short parody about living abroad.
For example....
(Annoucer style voice)
Being a Foreigner Chapter one.
You are in a local bar and you want a drink, do you:
A. Continue to wait paitiantly.
(Each word would present it's self in a specific way. for example, "wow" would flying in at top speed then explode.)
the player is allowed to "use their gaijin card" to skip a question if they find it too hard.
i want the reader to leave this bit of lit. laughing (if i can make it funny enough).
while the audience "plays" with the lituature, each click produces a sound effect, and based on what is clicked, points are added.
in the end, if the "player" 90% of the points, s/he may get the bonus ending.

Idea 2.
the Sondheim effect
Stephan Sondheim is the father of the American musical, he has inspired many prominate stars/ stories of today such as Desparate housewives, Rent, Sweeny Todd,Westside story to name a few. So, to prove my point( sondheim is everywhere) I wanted to create a( typical) story of boy meets girl with a base of sondheim music.
the screen opens at a theatre the title flashes on the screen. click screen. you have a choice tytical or unusual ending.
you deside to click unsusual ending. the opening credits run, the music swells
For this assignment i need to learn to upload music.
and either learn stop motion or film everything in live action.


- a readable/playable digital text linked to or embedded in your blog
- a folder visual & sound files, and lexia associated with the text
- a schematic, “map” or timeline to describe the design of your text

Criteria for grade: The hypertext itself will have:
- a navigation or interactive system that is integral to the text’s meaning
- elements where sight, sound, movement, configuration, and other active features of the text play a role in the texts’ reading
- a thematic, symbolic or conceptul focus that allows for a “literary” reading;
- elements that are creative, well composed, and appropriate to the text’s theme/focus


- a readable/playable digital text linked to or embedded in your blog
- a folder visual & sound files, and lexia associated with the text
- a schematic, “map” or timeline to describe the design of your text

Criteria for grade: The hypertext itself will have:
- a navigation or interactive system that is integral to the text’s meaning
- elements where sight, sound, movement, configuration, and other active features of the text play a role in the texts’ reading
- a thematic, symbolic or conceptul focus that allows for a “literary” reading;
- elements that are creative, well composed, and appropriate to the text’s theme/focus

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

(Blog) 8 days a week

Beside the obvious visual spectacle. Faith uses words within words with in letters to show the authors definition of "faith".
sound is paramount in this piece each word while it enters or exits uses a sound motion to give a convey a deeper meaning of the word being re arranged. for example we not only read winking neon. we can see and hear "winking neon".

i would say Regime Change close in similarity to Twelve blue,whereas the reader clicks around the screen to unfold several options, based on the words chosen by the reader some pages may be lost. all pages ore move onto a different screen. The snippets revealed concern huge changes in how the US government conduct themselves.(Brush/Lincoln/Kennedy)

Like all electronic literature, the reader must be engaged in the piece to get results. None( except disappearing Rain) allow the audience to "skip ahead to find the conclusion. Faith offers a change to experience literature with multiple senses, this allows the reader to become more engaged in the literature.This does add levels of interpretation.

Monday, March 1, 2010

(Blog)7th Heaven

Inanimate aLicE
Inanimate Alice is the story of a girl growing up in the turn of the century. well travelled, She is some what lonely and only has her digital friend Brad for comfort.Although most of the series themes are heavily set in "technology. This story mostly focuses on spectacle. The first meaning of the story is simple, but the second requires more "thought".

Inanimate Alice: Japan could be described as fiction, (and woman writers). I would recommend you play it more than once, first just for the story, then "fiddle around the screens a bit" for what you can find hidden.( some are obvious). but to choose this separate path, the story may stop or continue on without you.( so choose wisely) . I made this hypertext based on fun, relax, i can guarantee that you(might) not miss anything.

Hope you like it :)

(Blog) 6 up in the mix with some twix. chicks like to fix blix

Hmm. i seem to be unable to upload my site map. so i shall bring it to class on Monday.
A quick summary of my work.
Mostly everything is set in stone. I wanted to have an alternative ending, but as of right now it does not seem appropriate.the plot revolves around a young girl named Alice. it should read like "photo" of her everyday life in a new country( Japan.) I think it would be best to play the Electronic Lit. of "inanimate Alice:China" to have a feel for the character, but at the same time i wouldn't( my technical skills are not that fantastico:).
Everything is running well, and can't wait for presentations :) I hope by the 7th blog i can jot down more info. :)

(Blog) 5 Dollar Foot Long

When it comes to using googlesites I have found everything to be up to par. I have not really dabbled in the site( i want to have all my working process via Power point....
for a sucessful hypertext i need.
*add background animations
*more outside links
And more music:). As of right now the only problem i am having is with the up loading of music. I can add it to the website, but it only comes out as a downloadable site:( Of course i will keep working on this until the very end. and we're off!!!!!!