Monday, March 8, 2010

(Blog) 9 looking so fine ;)!

As of right now, my ideas are all over the place, I had an idea to have a short parody about living abroad.
For example....
(Annoucer style voice)
Being a Foreigner Chapter one.
You are in a local bar and you want a drink, do you:
A. Continue to wait paitiantly.
(Each word would present it's self in a specific way. for example, "wow" would flying in at top speed then explode.)
the player is allowed to "use their gaijin card" to skip a question if they find it too hard.
i want the reader to leave this bit of lit. laughing (if i can make it funny enough).
while the audience "plays" with the lituature, each click produces a sound effect, and based on what is clicked, points are added.
in the end, if the "player" 90% of the points, s/he may get the bonus ending.

Idea 2.
the Sondheim effect
Stephan Sondheim is the father of the American musical, he has inspired many prominate stars/ stories of today such as Desparate housewives, Rent, Sweeny Todd,Westside story to name a few. So, to prove my point( sondheim is everywhere) I wanted to create a( typical) story of boy meets girl with a base of sondheim music.
the screen opens at a theatre the title flashes on the screen. click screen. you have a choice tytical or unusual ending.
you deside to click unsusual ending. the opening credits run, the music swells
For this assignment i need to learn to upload music.
and either learn stop motion or film everything in live action.

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